兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleThe Civil Liability Analysis of Distress Events In the Spontaneous Out Door Activities
Thesis Advisor贾登勋
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword自发性户外活动 遇险事件 请求权基础 举证责任分配
Abstract近年来, 伴随着自发性户外活动的发展,参与者登山坠落、迷路失踪、山洪溺亡等事故也频繁发生,因此而引发的损害赔偿纠纷亦是不断。由于事故的发生往往是由自然因素或受害人自身因素所致,不存在真正的侵害人,而我国法律对自发性户外活动及其责任承担又缺乏明确的规定,导致各地法院对此类案件的处理各有不同。如何平衡受害人与活动发起人及其他参与者之间的正当权益是此类案件必须解决的难题。自发性户外活动损害赔偿纠纷案件所面临的疑难问题主要集中在三个方面:第一,请求权基础。此类案件在我国现行法中能否找到相应的法律依据?第二,“风险自负”原则。此类案件的风险责任应由受害人自己承担,还是应由发起人及其他参与者承担? “风险自负”原则在自发行户外活动中可否得以适用?第三,举证责任的分配。此类案件的举证责任应适用一般规则,还是应适用举证责任的倒置、推定等特殊规则? 关于此类案件的判决,最典型的应当是“南宁赵江‘7.9’洪难”案,该案的争议焦点突出反映了上述三方面的问题。本文将围绕上述三个问题,通过对“南宁赵江‘7.9’洪难”案进行分析,探究此类案件在我国现行法律中寻求解决的可行性。通过对“南宁赵江‘7.9’洪难案”进行分析,笔者认为,在自发性户外活动中发生参与者遇险事件时,若没有真正的侵害人,则应当依据“风险自负”原则,由受害人自己承担责任。在这种情况下,受害人无法从侵权法上得到救济。本文认为,侵权法的损害救济功能是有限的,健全以商业保险为主的社会补偿体制,有助于受害人损失补偿利益的满足。我国应完善相关保险制度,使此类事件的受害人从保险法中得到救济。此外,鉴于此类事件的多发性,笔者认为,相关主体也应采取各项积极措施,降低此类事故的发生率。
Other AbstractIn recent years, with the spontaneous outdoor activities and participants in the fall, lost or missing Shan-hong drowning for the dead are also frequent, as a result of disputes over compensation is also constantly. Because of the accident is often the victims themselves by natural factors and factors, and our laws spontaneity of outdoor activity and the responsibility for lack of clear rules, and to all parts of the court for such a case dealing with different. How to balance the victim and the activities and other participants of the legitimate rights and interests are such cases have to solve the problem. Spontaneity outdoor activities damage compensation for the disputed case over the difficult problem faced by the main concentration in three aspects: First, Foundation of right of claim .Such cases in our current law can find the corresponding legal basis? Second, Principle of “conceited risk”. Such cases the responsibility rests with the victim, or should be borne by the sponsors and other participants? The principle of“conceited risk” on the issue of outdoor activity could be applied? Third, the burden of proof.Such cases the burden of proof should apply to general rules, or should apply to the burden of proof upside down, assumed such special rules? About the decision of the case, the most typical should be the case of “Nanning ZhaoJiang ‘7.9’flood difficult”, the focus of the outstanding reflect the above three problems. This paper will focus on these three questions, on the case of “Nanning ZhaoJiang ‘7.9’flood difficult” analysis and inquiring into this case in our current law seeks to solve the feasibility. On the case of “Nanning ZhaoJiang ‘7.9’flood difficult” analysis , I think , In spontaneity of outdoor activity in the participant in the event , if not actually infringe , It should be based on the principle of “conceited risk”, His own responsibility by the victim.In this case, the victim could not remedy from tort law . This article think,tort law the charity is limited , a commercial insurance compensation system of society , contribute to the compensation for loss of interest . We should improve the insurance system, the victim of such events from the insurance laws of relief. Moreover, In view of such events multiple, I think, related the various measures should also actively, and reduce this kind of the accident rate.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
田平平. 自发性户外活动遇险事件的民事责任分析--以“南宁赵江‘7.9’洪难案”为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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