兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleOn the Path Choice of the Legal Institutions of Collective Owned Enterprises in Transitional China
Thesis Advisor刘光华
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword集体所有制企业 乡村集体企业 城镇集体企业 法治路径选择 经济法
Abstract集体所有制企业,是集体经济的重要实现形式,是集体所有制的实践方式,是促进我国经济社会发展的重要力量。也由于集体所有制企业,集体经济曾经成为我国第二大经济力量,集体经济工业总产值甚至一度超过了国有经济。但是,目前我国集体所有制企业发展面临着“内忧外患”,其面临“三化”问题,即“边缘化、妖魔化、碎片化”。那么,集体所有制企业的未来究竟在何方?是任其自然地退出转型中国社会经济舞台,还是通过改制而实现“涅槃重生”,继续发挥其在社会主义市场经济特定语境下的政治与经济比较优势?本论文立足中国经济“新常态”、社会转型背景、城乡二元结构及法治演进经验,探寻集体所有制企业未来发展出路,力图为集体所有制企业发展提供法制保障方案,以期对当前国民经济供给侧结构性改革指引提供一个新的法律视角。 本论文共分为四个部分: 第一部分是阐述我国集体所有制企业的形成和发展历程。集体所有制企业的发展历程主要由两大板块构成,第一板块是阐述新中国成立后到1978年改革开放前的集体所有制企业形成及发展;第二板块是阐述1978年改革开放后集体所有制企业的发展。 第二部分是进行集体所有制企业的发展现状及原因的实证分析。这一部分主要运用实证分析方法,用数据首先对集体所有制企业的现状进行分析,其次对影响集体所有制企业发展的法律、政策、劳动力、技术、资本等因素进行逐一分析,最后在数据分析的基础上,得出集体所有制企业面临困境的原因。 第三部分是集体所有制企业在市场化背景下的存在依据。这一部分是在前一部分集体所有制企业发展历程的基础上,从政治方面、经济方面、社会方面、制度优势方面,来阐释集体所有制企业在市场化背景下存在的重要性、必要性和客观实在性。 第四部分是集体所有制企业的未来发展方向及其法制路径选择。这一部分是在造成集体所有制企业面临困境的原因基础上,通过借鉴国有企业改革的成功经验和目前其进一步深化改革的做法,认为集体所有制企业未来出路是应当进行有针对性、系统地、全方位地改革,并对集体所有制企业法治化改革的指导思想、基本原则和目标要求进行了详细的阐述。
Other AbstractThe Collective Owned Enterprise is an important realization form of collective economy, a practice of collective ownership ,an important power boosting our country’s economic and social development. Due to the collective owned enterprise, collective economy used to be the second major economic power of our country. Collective economy’s total industrial output value even exceeded that of the state-owned economy. At present, the development of collective owned enterprise in our country is facing some “malaise”, namely “the marginalization, demonization, and fragmentation”. Where are the future of the collective ownership enterprises? Let them just quit naturally from the stage of Chinese society and economy in the period of transition, or they can revive through readjustment to its system, and then continue to play a comparing advantage of political and economic in that peculiar brand of socialist market economy. This paper is based on Chinese ‘new normal’ economy, the background of social transition, the binary structure between urban and rural regions, the experience of the evolution of the law, in order to explore the way of collective enterprises’ future, to try hard to provide legal protection programs for the development of collective enterprises, and to come up with a new legal view of the guide of structural reform of supply side of current national economy. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part makes an exposition of the process of collective owned enterprise’ forming and development. The development process of the collective owned enterprise mainly consists of two parts. The first section makes an description of collective owned enterprises’ forming and development from the foundation of New China to the Reform and Opening-up in 1978. The second section explains collective owned enterprises’ development after the Reform and Opening-up. The second part is on empirical analysis which analyzes the status, reasons of collective owned enterprises’ development. This part mainly uses the analytical method of the real example to analyze the present situation of judge with data at first and then analyzes the factors of influence on the development of collective owned enterprises such as the law, the policy, the labor force, technology, asset one-by-one; finally, on the basis of data analysis, the reason why collective owned enterprises are facing difficulty is found.. The third part describes the foundation of th...
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
方岩. 转型背景下集体所有制企业发展的法治路径研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2015.
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