| 专利侵权诉讼中举证责任分配问题研究 |
Alternative Title | Research on The Distribution of Burden of Proof in Patent Infringement Litigation
| 曹政 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 拜荣静
| 2015-05-15
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 专利侵权
Abstract | 举证责任分配决定着有利或不利诉讼结果的归属,它本质上是结果责任,因此其是适用民事诉讼法过程中的一个重要问题,直接关系着实体法的立法目的是否能在程序法中实现。在实体法上有着极重要的意义。在传统意义上的民事诉讼中,原告是因为是发起方,应该首先负担举证责任,但有一些非常特殊的侵权诉讼,原告举证能力与加害方相比天然较弱,如果一再要求原告承担举证责任,则难以实现实体法的目的,所以从自然法角度来看,应当按照具体情况对双方当事人之间的举证责任进行平均分配,以求更好的保护原告的合法权益。
近来,随着专利申请量在我国的大幅度增长,专利侵权诉讼案件量也增长非常迅速。与此同时,专利权人的抱怨也日趋增多,他们抱怨的原因主要就是维护专利权变的非常困难。众所周知,因为专利权的特殊性,使得诉讼时间长、诉讼成本高、判决赔偿的数额很低。但在维权过程中原告的举证难也日趋成为导致专利权人维权效果不佳的重要原因。其实民事诉讼的核心内容即是举证责任,即当事人应当对本方所主张的法律事实,应该有对其进行证明的责任,以及在证明不能时承担法定的不利判决。因为诉讼的原因、结构、性质的不同,随着证据制度的发展,谁来承担证明责任也应当日趋完善。 |
Other Abstract | Allocate the burden of proof is applicable during the Civil Procedure Law is an important issue. It is the responsibility result of the essence and its ownership of unfavorable distribution determines the outcome of litigation, which has a very important meaning of the substantive law and directly related to whether the legislative purpose of substantive law realized in the proceedings. In civil proceedings, the plaintiff sued the party, the burden of proof should first responsibility, but if the facts prove the responsibility of all of the elements adding to the plaintiff, it is clearly unfair. Based on some special infringement litigation, the burden of proof ability of victims of natural weak, harm the natural strong side, so consider the fairness and efficiency, "rules of evidence" clearly states allocate the burden of proof between the parties. Practice should be combined with the provisions of the Civil Code and other substantive law to fully grasp and correctly use the "rules of evidence" in the allocation of the burden of proof, to better protect the legitimate rights of the victims.In recent years, the rapid growth of China's patent applications inspired patent infringement significantly increasing the amount of civil cases, followed by a patentee complaint also increased, most of them complain about difficult patent rights. There are lots of reasons of difficult patent rights, in addition to the long period, high cost of rights, low indemnity and poor defender, the litigation process is also an important factor to proof patent rights difficult. The burden of proof is the core of Civil Evidence System, which advocated a party of their own facts, it should provide evidence to prove the facts and bear the result of the adverse consequences that may not prove. Evidence system in the development process, due to the different nature of the structure of the proceedings, the decision of the bearers of the burden of proof is different. Our Civil Procedure Law of the many aspects of the evidence does not provide, or have provided far too principles, resulting in judicial practice is difficult to grasp. Since April 1, 2002 implementation of the Supreme People's Court, "a number of provisions of the civil evidence" (hereinafter referred as "rules of evidence") for the civil trial practice urgently need clear evidence of problems related to the specific provisions to effectively protect civil trial quality, and promote judicial efficiency. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201648
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
曹政. 专利侵权诉讼中举证责任分配问题研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2015.
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