| 专利技术标准化问题研究 |
Alternative Title | Research on the problem of Patent technoly standardization
| 王维凯 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 刘艺工
; 刘斌斌
| 2011-05-11
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 专利
Abstract | 专利和技术标准都是近年来比较受关注的话题。在经济全球化,贸易自由化的国际大背景下,探讨专利和技术标准以及两者的结合都是具有现实意义的。本文主要论述专利技术标准化的背景因素、影响以及我国在这一背景下的对策。
在本文的第一部分,主要论述了专利和技术标准两个概念。涉及专利和专利权的比较, 标准和技术标准的含义,技术标准的三个特征以及技术标准的分类。
第四部分是本文的最后一部分,论述了我国在全球专利技术标准化过程中的处境和对策,前一部分分别介绍了DVD专利许可费案例和WAPI技术标准案例,最后重点探讨了我国在全球技术标准化中的对策,包括日本韩国模式的借鉴,以及我国的企业专利标准化战略。 |
Other Abstract | Patent and technical standards are hot topics in recent years. In international backdrop of economic globalization, trade liberalization, exploring patent and technical standard and their combinations are realistic. This paper mainly describes the reason of patent technology standardization, influence and how to reply.
In part one of this article, mainly discussing concepts of the patent and technical standardization. Patent and the patent right comparison involving technical standards, standards and the meaning of the three characteristics, technical standard and technical standard classification.
The second section discusses is technical standard, patent alliance. In this part, involves "patent pool" problem, patent alliance formation and patent alliance brings some influence.
The third part is, this paper focuses on the patent technology standardization involves the causes, as well as the influence of patent technological standardization and patent technology standardization is not only a kind of objective need of social development, also have the patentee to actively promote reason, because in this process, the patent holder can actually get more legal monopoly profits. So, obviously, though its patent technology standardization positive meaning, but also can produce some adverse impact.
The fourth part is the last part of the paper, discusses the process of standardization in the global patent technology, the situation and countermeasures are introduced earlier part of patent fee cases and DVD WAPI technical standard case, finally discussed the global technology standardization in China, including Japan, Korea countermeasures for reference, and mode of enterprises of China patent standardization strategy. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201654
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
王维凯. 专利技术标准化问题研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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