兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleThe study on the significant misconception system
Thesis Advisor贾登勋
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword重大误解 重大误解制度 错误 民法总则
Abstract私法自治通过法律行为而实践。意思表示是法律行为不可或缺的构成要素。它由内心的意思及外部表示所构成。表意人的内心意思与外部表示有时会产生不一致。其中,因为表意人的不知而造成的意思表示不一致,大陆法称之为 “错误”。对于此类“错误”,我国民法在《民法通则》和《合同法》中以“重大误解”来规定。 实践中,重大误解制度从概念、构成要件到法律效果都产生了很多争议。 《民通意见》第71条是重大误解制度的核心组成部分。它作为司法解释却在概念的解释上,违反了法律解释的基本原则。并且在对重大误解构成要件的确定上也存在重大缺陷,不仅缺乏一个概括性的标准条款,还不适当的设立了“较大损失标准”。 《民法通则》第61条和《合同法》第58条将因重大误解而为撤销的法律效果归结为缔约过失责任,这导致对相对人的信赖利益保护不足。我国重大误解制度在表意人的意思自由与相对人的信赖利益关系上,严重的倾向了表意人的意思自由,是一种对于表意人较为有利的规范。 本文讨论重大误解制度问题并非面面俱到,而只是选择了其中存在重大争议的问题进行论述。在研究方法上侧重于法律解释学的方法,文中多处涉及对案例的具体分析。
Other AbstractAutonomony of Private law is practised through legal acts, which takes intention expression as an indispensable constituent element. Intention expression is composed of the internal meaning and external expression. There will be the inconsistencies between internal meaning and the external expression sometimes. There is one kind of error in the inconsistencies of intention expression that caused by ignorance of the expresser. Our General Principles of Civil Law and Contract Law regards it as "significant misconception ". In practice, "significant misconception " sparks a lot of controversy from the concept and constitutive elements to leagal effects. Article 71 of "the general civil law suggestions". The definition of its concept has below problems, it breaks away from the special legal interpretation of "misunderstanding", in contrast, it has already entered into the legislative field. As far as problems of constitutive elements are concerned, the significant misconception system lacks standard terms and set up “the standard for larger loss” inappropriately. Article 61 of General Principles of Civil Law and the article 58 of Contract Law attribute the revocation of the legal effect caused by significant misconception to contracting fault liability. This leads to the lack of trust interests for the sake of the protection for relative person. It is just as well to say that the significant misconception system favors the intention freedom of the expresser excesively in terms of the balance between the intention freedom and the trust interests of the relative.it is a system beneficial to the expresser. The paper did not mean to cover all problems in the field of significant misconception system on the contrary, it only performed some necessary disscusions about some problems triggerring the serious controversy. It attach much attetion on the use of the method of Legal hermeneutics in terms of research method. There are a lot of case analysis contained in the paper.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
徐爱水. 重大误解制度研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2008.
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