| 众筹的法律风险与规制 |
Alternative Title | Legal Risks and Regulation of Crowd-funding
| 唐正旺 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 汪振江
| 2016-05-21
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 众筹
Abstract | 众筹作为一个新生行业,对于解决中小、微创企业借贷难、丰富金融融资方式等具有重要的意义。但由于立法的滞后性和众筹本身风险与收益并存的特质,使得其在迅速发展的过程中衍生出相当多的问题,其中最为突出的当属众筹平台角色定位不清,众筹过程中对筹资人、众筹平台的法律规制较少使得出资人的利益无法得到保障等问题,使得众筹行业发展过程中荆棘丛丛。
从对我国众筹发展的过程进行梳理可以看出,其相较于其他新生事务落后于发达国家的“定律”来说颇有不同,众筹行业在我国同样起步较早,且发展迅速。但不同的是在与众筹融资相关的诸多问题上法律进程缓慢,严重滞后于发展的需要。因此,本文从众筹发展过程中的问题出发进行剖析,在介绍众筹融资的运作模式和基本特点的基础上,试图对众筹平台在融资过程中担当的角色进行法律定位,以规避角色定位不清而产生的法律漏洞。其后,在对众筹融资进行分类的基础上,分别介绍了股权众筹、债权众筹、回报众筹、捐赠众筹等几种主要众筹模式各自的运作流程和法律风险,通过比较分析美国、英国、日本等众筹发展较为先进的国家在立法规制的基础上,提炼出可资借鉴的相关措施,着重针对法律风险提出相应的完善建议予以法律规制,以期众筹行业的发展可以有法护航,有法可依,出资人的权益可以得到保障。 |
Other Abstract | Crowd-funding as a nascent industry, has important significance for solving lending difficulty of medium, small and invasive enterprises, and enriching financial finance. However, due to hysteresis of the legislation and coexistence of risk and return characteristic of crowd-funding itself, a lot of problems derived in the process of rapid development. The most prominent of which were undoubtedly unclear role of crowd-funding platform, few law regulating for fundraisers and crowd-funding platform in crowd-funding process, which makes that interest of investors can not be guaranteed, and there are full of problems in the process of crowd-funding industry development.
After carding the process of the development of crowd-funding, it can be seen quite differently that crowd-funding industry in our country started early and developed rapidly, compared to the other new services which are left behind “Law” of developed countries. But the difference is that the process of law on many issues related to financing is slow , and falls behind the needs of the development. Therefore, analyzing the problem in the process of development, this paper describes operation mode and the basic characteristics of crowd-funding,and attempts to make legal position for the role of crowd-funding platform in the process of financing, to avoid legal loopholes which arises for unclear role positioning. Thereafter, on the basis of classifying public financing, this paper presents many major crowd-funding modes of their operation process and legal risks, such as equity crowd-funding, lending crowd-funding, reward-based crowd-funding, donation crowd-funding. Based on comparing advanced national legislation of the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries, this paper extracts relevant measures which can be learned, and put forward perfect proposals emphatically on legal risks to regulate the law, in order to make crowd-funding industry have law protection and observation, and make interests of investors protected. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201703
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
唐正旺. 众筹的法律风险与规制[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2016.
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