| 钟某人身保险合同纠纷案例分析 |
Alternative Title | Case analysis on the dispute of the Zhong's life insurance contract
| 万翔 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 汪振江
| 2015-05-21
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 保险合同
Abstract | 在人身保险实务中,保险合同从投保人投保后至保险人承保前往往需要经过很长的一段时间,而在这中间发生风险的隐患很大。投保人提出投保请求并交付首期或全部保险费,但是在风险发生后却无法获得所期待的赔偿。这对投保人而言是不公平的,也是让他们难以接受的。随着我国保险事业的发展,越来越多的人开始关注并购买保险,由保险空白期立法的空白导致实务中许多纠纷的出现也同时迫使理论界展开了对于保险空白期治理问题的激烈探讨。
第三部分,在借鉴国内外治理规则的基础上,针对我国保险实务的现状与特点,提出对于完善我国保险空白期治理规则的建议。以期对投保人、被保险人和受益人利益的保护带来一些有价值的参考。 |
Other Abstract | In personal insurance practice, the insurance contract will always take a long time from the moment one insures to the time the insurer accepts insurance. However, the potential risk during this period is very huge. The policy-holders put forward the request of insurance and pay the first insurance premium, but they cannot receive the expected compensation after risks take place, which is unfair and unacceptable. With the development of insurance business in our country, more and more people begin to pay attention to insurance and keen on buying insurance. The blanking period of legislation on insurance results in many disputes in personal insurance practice, which forces the theorists to uphold the fierce discussion on the problems solutions during the blanking period.
With the combination of insurance practice, insurance legislation and insurance judicial, this paper probed into the insurance blanking period problems criticized by society. With the theoretical researches on foreign laws of insurance, legislation and judicial as references, this paper began with the governing rules of the insurance blanking period, hoping to protect the policy-holders’ benefits. The main content can be divided into there parts as follows.
First, through the case review and trial situation of Zhong’s contract dispute with Ping An Insurance Company, a simple introduction is made. This introduction includes the problems occurred during the blanking period and the main focus of controversy .
Second, many points are analyzed based on the juridical logic, which includes the confirm of the exact establishment time of the involved insurance contract, the insurance fees received in advance, the establishment of personal insurance contract, the sign and issue of the insurance policy, and the nature of insurance liability during the period of insurance underwriting. The thinking of the responsibility during the insurance blanking period is aroused later. The comparison of governing rules between home and abroad is made.
Third, according to the current situation and characters of the insurance practice in home, suggestions on the improvement of insurance blanking period governing rules in our country are proposed, on the basis of foreign governing rules as references. This paper is written with aims to bring some valuable references to the benefits protection of policy-holders, the insured and the beneficiaries. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201705
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
万翔. 钟某人身保险合同纠纷案例分析[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2015.
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