兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleA Study on China’s Ancient Extrajudicial Torture and Retribution
Thesis Advisor刘志坚
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword报应观 法外酷刑 正义 自由 宽容
Abstract反观我国的刑罚制度,依然有早期报应观的遗存,具体体现为重刑主义倾向。本文通过对我国古代的法外酷刑制度的发展流变过程的介绍,同时追溯、梳理报应观的思想根源,探讨报应观与法外酷刑之间的相互作用机制,从而揭示致使法外酷刑在我国得以长期存续的真正社会法律文化根源。 在剖析佛教报应观的基础上,揭示了中国古代重刑制度的思想根源。通过对西方的报应刑论的不同学说进行综合比较的分析,进一步深化理解了中国古代社会报应观与刑罚制度间的关系。通过二者之间关系的解析,对社会秩序、正义与个人自由的法律价值也有一个清晰的认识,并希望作为目的的个人自由价值在宽容的法律环境下能够得到更多的保障与发展。 本文通过对报应观与法外酷刑二者关系的探讨,清醒地认识到,法律是人类经过痛苦的斗争后,不得不做出的选择。以人类现有的智慧而言,公正、均衡、合理的法律是解决人类自身困境的唯一出路,是人性的必然选择。依靠法律而建立的权威,才可能真正的在人民心中矗立,才可能真正的长治久安,才可能真正的“天下大治”。人性呼唤法律,法律是人类自我救赎的唯一道路,体现人性的刑罚制度是历史发展的必然趋势。
Other AbstractIn the penalty system of our country, there are still early retribution remains, embodied severe-penalty doctrine tendency. In this paper, the development process of China's ancient extrajudicial torture system is introduced, at the same time, ideological roots back combing the retribution of karma, the interaction mechanism between concept and method of torture, thus revealing the extrajudicial torture to long-term survival in our real social legal culture. Based on analyzing the Buddhist retribution concept, reveal the ideological root of penalty system in ancient china. Analysis of different theories of Western retribution penal theory are reviewed and compared, to further deepen the understanding the relationship between social retribution concept of ancient China and the penalty system. The analytic relationship between the two, the value of law on social order, justice and individual freedom also has a clear understanding, and hope as an objective value of individual freedom in the legal environment of tolerance can be guaranteed and the development of more. This paper discusses the relationship between the two and extrajudicial torture of retribution, realize soberly, law is human after painful struggle, had to make a choice. The human existing wisdom, justice, balanced, reasonable law is the only way to solve the plight of human beings, is the inevitable choice of human nature. Relying on the law and the establishment of the authority, to be really stands in the hearts of the people, can only be the real long period of stability, truly "world dazhi". Nature calls the law, law is the only way of human self-salvation, embodying the penalty system is the inevitable trend of historical development.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
彭珊. 中国古代法外酷刑与报应观探讨[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2013.
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