| 治安违法处罚裁量基准研究 |
Alternative Title | he Research on the Discretion Benchmark of the Punishment to the Violation in the Field of Public Security
| 罗垚 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 周桂党
| 2016-05-21
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 处罚裁量基准
Abstract | 2004年,浙江金华公安机关通过对基层执法单位实践经验归类、总结、提炼,明确处罚标准,正式将行政裁量基准机制引入治安违法处罚裁量实践,继而引发对裁量基准理论研究深入,及裁量基准与治安违法处罚相融合的正当性探讨。本文尝试对治安违法处罚裁量基准实践样本的考察分析,基于其特有法律特征考量,开展治安违法处罚裁量基准理论研究。
本文第一部分着眼于治安违法处罚,分析治安违法行为及其自由裁量的概念、特有法律特征、治安违法处罚自由裁量滥用现状,查找自由裁量滥用成因,并剖析处罚裁量基准与其他自由裁量规制具体举措功效,参照国内研究成果探讨治安违法处罚裁量基准的定义、性质、法律效力;第二部分就理论界针对行政裁量基准与治安违法处罚裁量基准正当性质疑展开探讨,首先考察无裁量基准的公安基层执法单位所查处的盗窃违法行为、冒用他人居民身份证违法行为各10宗具体个案,通过对比,论证治安违法处罚裁量基准的正当性、必要性。再通过分析相关裁量基准实践样本以及部分文件中赌博违法行为具体标准,发掘治安违法处罚裁量基准实践过程中亟待完善之处;第三部分围绕治安违法处罚裁量基准设定主体、制定程序、技术构造、司法审查等难点问题,提出限定裁量基准制定主体、以基层实践为导向制定基准的程序要求、裁量基准技术的特殊考量、“行为”之外的考量因素以及几项具体标准设定规则、建议给予处罚裁量基准司法审查适度安排、将司法权依据、审查裁量基准作为人民法院的义务等治安违法处罚裁量基准构建的合理意见。 |
Other Abstract | In the year of 2004,the police department of Jinhua City, ZheJiang Province formally introduced the administrative discretion benchmark Mechanism into the practice of the Penalties for Public Security violations ,after the Public Security Organs categorized, summarized and abstracted the local local law-enforcement agencies’ experiment and set standards for Penalties. The introduction leaded to the deeply research on discretion benchmark theory and the discussion for the Properness between the standards of discretion benchmark and the Penalties for Public Security violations. This article attempts to anglyze the example of the Penalties for Public Security violations discretion benchmark , which based on the Legal Features and carry out the research on the Discretion Benchmark of the Penalties for Public Security violations.
The first part is about the Penalties for the public security violations, I would analyze the Public Security Violation Behavior and the concept of discretion,as well as their legal Features. The discretion is now been abused, what is the reason? What is the effect of Penalty Discretion Benchmark and other discretion? A discussion would be taken about the concept, character and validation of he Discretion Benchmark of the Penalties for Public Security violations based on the Chievements in Domestic . The second part will discuss the validity of the Administrative Discretion Benchmark and the Discretion Benchmark of the Penalties for Public Security violations. First investigated 10 cases of Thefting 、using fake ID and others that were dealed with local law-enforcement agencies about without discretion benchmark. I demonstrated the validity and necessity of Penalties for Public Security Violation discretion benchmark. Further more,I WILL try to find the imperfect portion of the Public Security Violation discretion benchmark though my analyze about discretion sample and the standard of file about the behavior of gambling . The third part I would explore some difficult problems as subject establishment, processes, technology structure, judicial reviews.my consideration and regulation advice would be raised up on legal subject,local law-enforcement agencies direction, special consideration, consideration of the influence beside the “bahavior” and the rules of some Specific standards . And I suggest to give some right for Penalties Discretion Benchmark's Judicial Review and t to make the jurisdicti... |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201794
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
罗垚. 治安违法处罚裁量基准研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2016.
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