| 志愿活动过程中的权利救济问题初探 |
Alternative Title | Initially Research of Right Relief Question in the Process of Volunteer Activity
| 曾杰 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 刘光华
| 2009-06-21
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 志愿者
Abstract | 志愿服务最先源于西方社会宗教性的慈善服务,它是基于许多良好的品质而自愿贡献个人的时间和精力,为社会提供无偿服务的行为。我国的雷锋精神与西方的志愿服务精神在一定程度上有类似之处:都体现着无偿奉献。但现代意义上的志愿服务所涉及范围更广,提供服务的种类更多,且逐步呈现专业化。在现代社会背景下,志愿服务过程中的风险也在逐步增加。我国志愿服务事业正呈现蓬勃发展的态势,因此在志愿服务过程中各类风险在逐步增加的情况下,对志愿服务过程中相关参与方的权利救济问题就值得探讨。本文运用实证分析、逻辑分析的方法,并将法经济学理论作为分析工具,对志愿服务过程中不同救济主体分别分析,最终提出了不同的救济方案。 |
Other Abstract | The volunteer service stems from the religious charitable service in Western society, which based on many good qualities people contributing individual time and the energy voluntarily, providing the free service for the society. Our country's Lei Feng spirit shares some common place with West's volunteer service to a certain extent: manifesting free to offering. But in the modern significance, volunteer service involves broader scope, provides more types of service, and gradually presents the specialization. Under the modern society background, the risk of volunteer service is also gradually increasing. The development of our country volunteers is quite vigorous, therefore is related the participation side to the volunteer service process in the right relief question to be worth discussing. This article utilizes the empirical analysis, the logic analysis method, and method the economic theory achievement will analyze the tool, the different relief main body analyzes separately to the volunteer service process, proposed the different relief program finally. This article divides into three major parts:
The first part: For the first chapter of this article. In this part, the author mainly elaborated the volunteer, the volunteer organization as well as the volunteer service significance and some basic content. According to the logic sequence, first the author elaborated the volunteer's concept in this part through contrasts the difference between domestic and foreign concept of volunteer definition, in the discrimination core thought's foundation, has given in this article volunteer's concept. Then the article obtains from organization's concept, the system elaborated the volunteer organizes concept. After getting know the concepts mentioned above is for accurate grasps its characteristic, for as follows proposed that the different relief program makes the upholstery. Finally, this part analyzed the volunteer service great significance. The analysis volunteer service's important meaning is to highlight to volunteers to serve the participation side to give the relief the necessity.
The second part: For this article second chapter. In this part, has mainly outlined three kind of different main bodies, namely the volunteer organizes, the volunteer, to accept the volunteer service by the target client, needs to provide relief the situation in the volunteer active procedure. This part has selected the method which the case analysis and the ... |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201797
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
曾杰. 志愿活动过程中的权利救济问题初探[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2009.
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