| 在线纠纷解决机制及其在中国的发展探析 |
Alternative Title | Analysison Online Dispute Resolution and Its Development in China
| 赵莹 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 汪振江
| 2014-05-24
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 在线纠纷解决机制
Abstract | 本篇论文一共分为四章。第一章介绍了在线纠纷解决机制的产生背景与发展历程,同时和其他纠纷解决制度作比较研究,和其他纠纷解决程序一样,在线纠纷解决机制的产生具有特定的时代背景,即电子商务的迅猛发展和传统的纠纷解决方式解决电子商务纠纷的局限性,在线纠纷解决机制也正是在这样的时代背景下被世界各国重视。第二章,介绍和分析全世界范围内发展成熟的纠纷解决程序,虽然在线投诉、在线谈判、在线调解和在线仲裁都有着网络信息技术作为支撑和相同的程序背景及网络技术支撑,但是他们所解决纠纷的运作流程和范围各有不同,相互联系形成了多层次、立体式的解决电子商务纠纷的程序。随后,本文第三章立足于分析我国在线纠纷的现状,虽然我国已经有对于建立在线纠纷解决机制的尝试,但是还没有和国际接轨,无法形成规模性的在线纠纷解决机制。同时笔者在本章针对观念、运行机制和配套措施三方面深入剖析,分别指出我国在线纠纷解决机制存在的问题。在此基础上论文第四章提出构建我国在线纠纷解决机制的一些建议,从我国特有的解决纠纷的优势资源出发,分别从理念、制度构建和配套措施的完善这三方面构建我国的在线纠纷解决机制,促进电子商务的健康发展。 |
Other Abstract | The first chapter introduces the background and development process of online dispute resolution mechanisms , as well as comparative studies and other dispute resolution system for , and other dispute resolution procedures, produce online dispute resolution mechanism with a specific background, namely the rapid e-commerce development and limitations of traditional dispute resolution to resolve disputes in e-commerce . The second chapter introduces and analyzes the world within the scope of the dispute settlement procedures developed . Subsequently , based on the third chapter analyzes the status quo of China's online dispute , although China has set up an online dispute resolution mechanism for trying , but no international standards , can not form a scale of online dispute resolution mechanism. On the basis of chapter IV presents some suggestions to build our online dispute resolution mechanisms , improve supporting measures were constructed from the idea of the system in these three areas to build our online dispute resolution mechanisms to promote the healthy development of e-commerce . |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201906
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
赵莹. 在线纠纷解决机制及其在中国的发展探析[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2014.
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