| 银行存款冒领的案例分析 |
Alternative Title | Case Analysis of unauthorized Claimed of Bank Deposit
| 陈超 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 汪振江
| 2012-05-09
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 存款
Abstract | 储户的存款被不法分子采用各种手段冒领,当冒领人被及时抓获且被冒领之钱款可以追回时,问题容易解决,但是这类案件往往由于不法分子作案手段高超很难侦破,即使破获逮捕了冒领人也难以保证其偿付能力。储户要求储蓄机构支付存款而银行拒付由此产生纠纷,当双方难以协商解决时,存款人便将储蓄机构起诉至法院,此类案件常经历一审和二审改判,而最终的判决结果也是“同案不同判”即相似案情的不同案件在不同地区不同法院的判决差异很大,有的判储蓄机构负全责,有的判双方分担责任。人们都或多或少的有存款,对自己存款安全的关心往往引起人们广泛的关注,钱存入储蓄机构不会万无一失,尤其是不法分子利用微型探头偷窥密码再伪造银行卡冒领他人存款的高科技犯罪后,更增加了人们对自己储蓄安全的担忧。不断出现的相似案件却有差异较大的判决,损害了法律适用的统一性。
本文首先通过一个典型的案例引申出该类案件的争议法律问题,然后对其进行具体的分析,定义冒领存款的概念及其主要表现方式,分析储蓄行为的方式及性质,分析该类案件的法理及民法学理论,存款冒领案各方的法律关系,最后对储蓄机构和储户的责任进行分析。 |
Other Abstract | Various means impersonator impersonator people were arrested and falsely claimed the money can be recovered, the problem easier to solve, but such cases are often difficult to detect due to the lawless elements of crime means superb. This case the media to be reported, one such judgment made public, will be subject to heightened public concern, there are differences of similar cases emerging large judgment, damage the uniform application of the law.
Firstly, through a typical case to come out of such cases of disputed legal issues, the analysis of savings behavior and the nature of the analysis of such cases the theory of jurisprudence and civil law, the legal relations of the deposits of the parties to the impersonator case, the final savings institutions and the responsibility of the depositors were analyzed.
Significance of this study is that deposits continuing to be impersonator and the dispute should be resolved in time, if the improper handling of financial development, social harmony have a negative impact, have to sort out to propose a solution, and therefore has important theoretical and practical significance. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/201992
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
陈超. 银行存款冒领的案例分析[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2012.
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