| 医疗纠纷中若干法律问题的研究 ---以“丈夫拒签手术单致孕妇死亡案”为视角 |
Alternative Title | Legal Research on Medical Tangle ---With the vision of case"Husband refused his signature on an operation permit lead to the death of pregnant wife. "
| 孟翔 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 贾登勋
| 2011-05-11
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 医患关系
Abstract | 2007 年11 月21 日,在北京朝阳区医院发生因丈夫肖志军拒绝在手术同意书上签字,导致孕妇死亡的事件,引起了社会的广泛关注。紧急情况下因医患双方得不到合理的沟通延误治疗,导致患者死亡的事件也频频发生。打开报纸或者上网浏览各大网站时,媒体的视角也往往关注到这些与我们生活密切相关的话题。尽管已经施行的《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》对紧急情况下拒签手术单的情况作了专门的规定,这相对于1994 年颁布的《医疗机构管理条例》是一个历史性的进步。但是,在我国目前医患关系已到了剑拔弩张的前提下,实际的法律效果却是大打折扣的。医患双方缺乏最起码的信任,导致患方担心医方滥用权力加重自己的医疗成本,医方则是担心因为救助濒危病人可能惹不必要的医疗纠纷,往往采取消极的态度去面对或处理。家属一旦出现拒签手术单时,医方仍有可能选择明哲保身的态度而不积极对患者进行抢救。宝贵的生命被僵化的制度推向了死亡的边缘,这不能不说是一种悲哀。作为法律人的我们不能再置身事外,如何通过法律手段扼制类似悲剧的发生成为亟待解决的问题。
笔者将以本案为切入点,通过对案件基本案情的介绍,结合社会各界对本案的不同争议和看法,重点以民法学的理论对此案进行研究,主要包括几个方面:本案中丈夫对医务人员极度不信任所反映出的我国医患关系已十分紧张的现状,笔者从这种现象产生的原因着手,结合我国目前的医疗体制,针对这些问题借鉴国内外的先进经验提出改良建议,从源头入手缓和信任危机。笔者还将本案中紧急情况下拒签手术知情通知书的情形与我国新颁布施行的《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》相结合,分析在实际医疗过程中可能遇到医患双方为了免责而延误患者最佳治疗时间的问题,医疗损害的发生,必然导致医疗纠纷,一但启动诉讼程序,举证责任的分配将决定医患双方在诉讼中谁更占优势,分配不合理,势必会进一步加深医患矛盾,所以对医疗纠纷中的举证责任倒置的局限性和合理性的讨论就显得尤为必要。再者,对于医疗合同的法律属性的分析与思考也是笔者将会重点讨论的一个方面。最后,对于医疗纠纷的几种实际存在的救济手段的利与弊之分析,笔者也会给出合理的法律分析与建议。希望通过对此案的分析,可以使以后类似的医疗纠纷得以合理的解决。 |
Other Abstract | November 21, 2007, in Beijing's Chaoyang District, Xiao Zhijun in hospitals, her husband refused to sign consent during surgery, resulting in the deaths of pregnant women, has aroused extensive attention. Emergency situations due to lack of reasonable communication between doctors and patients delay treatment, resulting in the deaths of patients also frequently occur. Open the newspaper or surfing the major sites, the media are often concerned about the perspective of those closely related with the topic of our lives. Despite the implementation of the "People's Republic of Tort Law, " refused to sign the emergency surgery on a single case of special provisions were made, which issued in 1994 compared to a "medical institution regulations " a historic step forward. However, in our current doctor-patient relationship has reached a tense premise, the actual legal effect was undermined. Between doctors and patients lack the most basic trust, leading to the medical side suffering abuse for fear their health care costs increase, medicine, rescue endangered because it is worried that patients might provoke unnecessary medical disputes, often a negative attitude to face or deal with . Once the single-family refused surgery, the medical side still may choose to play it safe rather than positive attitude of the patients for emergency treatment. Precious life is rigid system into the edge of death, say that this is a sad thing. We as a legal person can not stay out, how the legal means to curb the occurrence of similar tragedies become an urgent problem.
We will take this case as the starting point, the basic facts of the case through the introduction of the case with the community and views of different disputes, focusing on the theory of civil law in order to study the case, including several areas: the medical case the husband Staff reflected deep distrust of doctor-patient relationship has been a very tense situation, the author reasons for this phenomenon from the start, combined with our current medical system, for these advanced experience of home and abroad make improvements to the source Start to ease a crisis of confidence. I will also be the case in emergency surgery refusal notice of the case informed the new promulgated in China, "People's Republic of Tort Law", we analyzed the actual medical process for both doctors and patients may experience delayed Disclaimer A matter of time patients with the best treatment, medical harm occur, will inevitably l... |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202029
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
孟翔. 医疗纠纷中若干法律问题的研究 ---以“丈夫拒签手术单致孕妇死亡案”为视角[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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