| 一起意外事件的分析与思考 |
Alternative Title | Analysis and ponderation on a accident
| 赵吉伟 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 俞树毅
| 2010-05-14
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 意外事件
Abstract | 本文被分析的案件是笔者2004年在检察机关侦查监督部门工作时亲身经历的一个真实的案件,案情以及犯罪嫌疑人和被害人的身份都比较特殊,社会影响较大。在案件的审查批准逮捕环节,检察机关侦查监督部门工作人员针对案件中的犯罪嫌疑人是否构成犯罪、构成何种犯罪进行了反复的探讨,并且曾将案件报告上级检察机关请示,最后以“意外事件”定案。案件的定性与法的维护公平正义的价值和民众朴素的司法公正情感产生了一定的冲突,当时即在社会上引起“轩然大波”。多年来此案也一直萦绕在笔者的心头,挥之不去,拂之又来。
第四部分:紧承上文对致使被追打者自杀的追打者的刑事责任的分析,从刑事立法和司法实践的角度对此类案件进行探讨。 |
Other Abstract | The case discussed is a real case that the author experienced in 2004, when working at the investigation supervision department of a procuratorial organ. Facts of the case as well as the identity of the criminal suspect and the victim involved therein are relatively special. The case exerted a major social impact at that time. The personnel of said investigation supervision department made repeated discussion, in the process of examination and approval of arrest, with respect to whether the act of the criminal suspect in the case in question constituted a crime, and what crime was committed. Moreover, they reported the case to relevant procuratorial organs at higher levels for instructions. Finally, the case was determined as an “accident”. Qualitative decision of the case is in contravention of the value of law, i.e. safeguarding fairness and justness, and the people’s simple sense of justice, which evoked great repercussions in the society. This case has been lingering for years in the author’s mind.
As the years went by, the author occasionally read in the newspapers the occurrence of and related comments on similar cases, but such comments were quite different. Additionally, on the basis of legal knowledge accumulated over years through constant learning and exploration, the author now is to make an analysis of and think over such case once again in terms of judicial practice and legislation study, with a view to offering a help to readers when they encounter such cases in the future. This dissertation consists of the following parts:
As regards Part One, the author will, after an introduction of basic facts, handling links, arguments of the parties concerned and focus of controversy, put forth some questions: How to identify judicially the act of the person who causes another person being chased by him to suicide.
In Part two, the author will analyze the issues in relation to this case by means of inductive reasoning and comparative analysis.
In regard to Part Three, the author will employ the method of empirical analysis to make a comprehensive legal analysis of a variety of controversial views on the case, and point out which point of view is right or not right, criminal charges involved in this case, and how to determine the nature of and deal with this case.
Finally in Part Four, the author will, on the basis of the analysis on the criminal liability of the person who chases another one and causes such person to suicide, explore such case... |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202044
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
赵吉伟. 一起意外事件的分析与思考[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2010.
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