| 一起借款合同诉讼引起的夫妻共同债务的法律思考 |
Alternative Title | Legal ratiocination about the debt of the husband-and-wife community in a case of loan contract
| 黄继承 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 贾登勋
| 2010-05-14
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 夫妻共同债务
Abstract | 男女双方因缔结婚姻而成为夫妻,形成夫妻关系。夫妻财产关系基于夫妻人身关系而产生,是夫妻关系的重要内容,同时也是民事法律关系的重要组成部分。进入二十一世纪以来,随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展和人民物质文化生活水平的提高,夫妻共同债务问题出现了多元化、复杂化的趋势,夫妻之间关于共同债务问题的纠纷、矛盾日益凸现。然而,由于我国《婚姻法》的立法技术原因,存在一些法律规定上的缺陷;加之社会生活的日趋多样化,导致在离婚诉讼中,夫妻共同债务的认定与分担成为特别棘手的问题。本文正是从这一视角出发,试图通过对案例中夫妻共同债务的若干问题进行分析研究,并对此问题的完善提出一些浅薄建议,以期更加利于应对纷杂的社会问题。
第五部分:完善我国夫妻债务立法和司法的思考与建议。本章对完善我国婚姻法夫妻债务清偿制度提出设想。 |
Other Abstract | Both men and women become the husbands and wives by concluding the marriage,and forms husbands and wives relations.The husbands and wives property relations produce based on the husbands and wives person relations,is important content of the husbands and wives relations,simultaneously is also important component of the civil legal relationship.Since twenty-first century,with the rapid development of China's socio-economic and the elevation of people's material and cultural living standards,the husband-and-wife community has a trend of variety and complexity,the dispute of the debt between the couple has become increasingly apparent.But because of the technical reasons of "Marriage" legislation, there are some defects in making the law;also with the growing diversity of social life,which makes how to deal with the problem of the husband-and-wife community arouses disputes.This article is from this perspective,trying to analysis a number of issues on debt of the husband-and-wife community,and put forward some settlement of them.And hope to be favorable to deal with varied social problems.This article divides into four parts:The first part is on a case,and the question which is going to be discussed below is drawn out by the case.The second part is about“the concept and the characteristics of the assurance,”and at the same time analyze the questions about the case.The third part is about "the concept and the characteristics of the debt of the husband-and-wife community" and analyze the concept and the characteristics of the debt of the husband-and-wife community Theoretically,legal characteristics,as well as husband and wife couple of personal debt and the difference between the debt problems.The forth part points out the problems which exist in the legislation and jurisdiction process on common debts.It analyses the problems in legislation and jurisdiction of common debts from a theoretical point of view,that is,the law does not clearly identify common debts and separate debts between husband and wife,also the stipulation of the marriage law contradicts to the civil law.It is difficult to recognize whether debts are real or not.And the responsibility distribution of providing evidence is not reasonably ordered.The fifth part provides some thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the legislation and jurisdiction of common debts between husband and wife. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202048
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
黄继承. 一起借款合同诉讼引起的夫妻共同债务的法律思考[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2010.
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