| 杨某抢劫案的法律分析 |
Alternative Title | Legal Analysis on The Case of Yang's Robbery
| 郭振中 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 李忆春
| 2012-05-10
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 情节加重犯
Abstract | 入户盗窃近几年呈高发态势,现实生活中,行为人入户盗窃被发现后,往往铤而走险,转化为社会危害性更大的抢劫。刑法对入户抢劫配置了十年以上有期徒刑,无期徒刑或者死刑,并处罚金或者没收财产。十年以上有期徒刑当属重罪,如果仅仅因为暴力或者暴力胁迫行为发生在户内就一律认定入户抢劫,判处十年以上有期徒刑,显然量刑畸重。那么如何正确认定入户抢劫,确保罪刑均衡,实现刑法适用的实质合理,是摆在理论界和司法实务界的重要问题。
本文从一则典型的入户盗窃向入户抢劫转化的案例入手,从情节加重犯的角度,着重对抢劫罪的加重情节“入户”,转化型抢劫,转化型入户抢劫以及牵涉到的入户盗窃,非法侵入住宅罪等问题进行论述,力求对法律规定及其理论基础进行系统协调,解决本文案例的争议(杨某的行为定非法侵入住宅罪还是抢劫罪还是入户抢劫),以取得理论收获,寻求立法本意,试图解决理论界的争议,帮助司法实务界的法律适用走向统一,为解决类似案件提供帮助。 |
Other Abstract | Burglary in recent years is the high incidence tread. The 1977 Criminal law of PRC sentences the robbery of housebreaking more than ten years imprisonment, a fine or confiscation of property.More than ten years imprisonment is severe penalty. If only because that violence or threat of violence occurs indoors ,the sentence is too severe. It is an important issue in theory and practice about how to correctly identify the robbery of housebreaking and ensure the balance between the crime and the penalty. and to achieve substantive rationality of application of laws.
The paper starts with a typical case about the conversion of burglary into robbery of housebreaking, and mainly discusses about transformed robbery、transformed robbery of housebreaking、related burglary and crime of housebreaking from the perspective of offence aggravated by circumstances, try to systematically coordinate laws and their theoretical basis, to solve the case’s controversy of theoretical circles, to help unify the application of law in judicial practice, to provide help to resolve similar cases. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202068
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
郭振中. 杨某抢劫案的法律分析[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2012.
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