兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleDiscussion on legal issues about rewarding advertisement from a case of finding notice
Thesis Advisor贾登勋
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword悬赏广告 法律性质 遗失物 法律效力
Abstract悬赏广告已广泛运用于社会各领域,本文欲对悬赏广告的法律问题进行探讨和研究,试图找出法律的盲点和实践中的疑难点,并找到合理的解决方法。全文由三部分组成。 第一部分,阐述“寻包启事”案的基本案情,并且指出了本案引发的基本法律问题:悬赏广告的法律性质的界定;悬赏广告与我国法律中的遗失物拾得制度之间的关系;悬赏广告中广告人意思表示的效力等。第二部分,结合“寻包启事”案,全面分析、探讨第一部分提出的法律问题。阐述了当前关于悬赏广告的法律性质存在着“契约说”和“单方法律行为说”两种主要理论学说,然后分析了悬赏广告与遗失物拾得制度之间的关系,肯定了悬赏广告的制度价值。之后指出悬赏广告中广告人的意思表示是广告人在进行利益衡量的基础上,表示愿意支付一定的报酬取回遗失物。 第三部分,结合前文对“寻包启事”案深入的法理分析,就“寻包启事”类案件存在的悬赏广告法律问题的完善提出一些立法建议。
Other AbstractThe reward has been widely used in advertising all areas of society .This paper will to made a thorough research of reward, then to identify the law difficult in practice. The first part, describe the basic situation of the case of finding notice and the legal issues caused by the case. The second part,analyze the related issues explored from the first part,through three sections.First elaborate the two main theories about the legal nature of reward,it is whether a reward is unilateral legal act or contract act,the relationship between reward and lost property have some concurrence,but they not contradict each other.The value of rewarding advertisement should be affirmed.the purpose of the reward advertiser is true.The third part,on the base of the preceding analysis, make a depth analysis of the case of finding notice.Then make some own proposals on the improvement of legislation and regulation about the reward advertisement.The legal nature of reward advertisement is contract,but it also requires further improvement.The validity scope of reward advertisement should be made some restricted.The remuneration of reward advertisement should be clear defined.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
汪付霞. 悬赏广告法律问题探析—从“寻包启事”案说起[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2010.
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