| 虚拟角色的知识产权保护研究 |
Alternative Title | Research On Intellectual Property Protection For Fictitious Characters
| 胥润蓉 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 刘斌斌
| 2013-05-18
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 虚拟角色
Abstract | 虚拟角色本身是创造性作品中为作者所塑造的具有鲜明个性特征的艺术形象。成功的虚拟角色能够对公众产生无限的吸引力与影响力。随着文化产业与物质产业的发展,虚拟角色往往被“二次”开发或利用于文学艺术创作领域与商业活动领域,且日益脱离作品本身而具有独立的经济价值。但是我国并未将虚拟角色明确作为知识产权法所保护的对象。然而,有关虚拟角色的权益纠纷却不断在我国司法实践中涌现。虚拟角色的知识产权保护问题不仅关乎虚拟角色创作者的切身利益,且关系到社会物质活动与文化活动的繁荣。无疑,虚拟角色的知识产权保护问题值得我们去研究与探讨。为此,本文以实现我国虚拟角色的知识产权保护为最终落脚点,从有关虚拟角色的基本法律问题入手,在此基础上分析了虚拟角色知识产权保护的法理基础与必要性问题,并通过剖析传统知识产权法体系对虚拟角色知识产权保护的局限性,力图寻求我国虚拟角色知识产权保护的正确路径。 |
Other Abstract | Fictitious characters is one kind of artistic images with distinct personality traits in creative works. Successful Fictitious characters has great influence and attractive on the public. With the development of the cultural and entertainment industries and material industry, Fictitious characters is prone to be developed or used in the field of literature and art, and in the field of business. Also, Fictitious characters shows Independent value. However, the Intellectual Property Law of China does not consider Fictitious characters as an explicitly protected object. Then, the rights disputes about Fictitious characters spring up in China's judicial practice. The Intellectual property protection for Fictitious characters, is not only related to the vital interests of creators, but also involved with the prosperity about social economic and cultural. Undoubtedly, the Research deserves to be discussed and studied. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202096
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
胥润蓉. 虚拟角色的知识产权保护研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2013.
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