| 修正视野下盗窃罪之再审视 |
Alternative Title | Re-examine the larceny from the perspective of revision
| 杨春黎 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 俞树毅
| 2014-11-15
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 刑法修正案(八)
Abstract | 盗窃罪作为侵犯财产型犯罪的典型罪名,自古有之,其发展到现代社会又有新的行为特征。为了顺应时代的需要,体现刑事法律对公民财产的保护目的,反映对盗窃犯罪所持有的严厉惩治态度,有必要对其进行修正。修正后的盗窃罪定罪模式发生了变化,将入户盗窃、携带凶器盗窃、扒窃行为作为盗窃罪的基本罪状予以规定,与修正前的数额较大和多次盗窃形成了独立的盗窃罪的构成要件。盗窃罪的修正使的相关法律适用和司法实践产生了重大变化。故有必要对这新增的三种行为进行深刻解读。本文正文共分为四个部分:第一部分笔者对新增的入户盗窃进行阐述。首先,通过入户盗窃的法律性质及主观故意的分析,阐述自己对“户”理解,提出对“户”认定的标准。第二部分对携带凶器盗窃的立法之意及行为性质进行论述,对于“携带”和“凶器”作出自己的理解。第三部分将原本是行政违法的扒窃升格为刑事犯罪行为作出分析,重点对其行为特征中的“公共场所”提出自己的见解,笔者认为将扒窃一律入罪会容易造成司法资源的浪费,应该对其进行规范的定义。第四部分,笔者主要探讨了修正后盗窃罪在实务中遇到的两个难解问题,对这两个难题进行剖析,提出自己的看法,以期对司法实务有一定帮助。 |
Other Abstract | Larceny has been a typical crime which encroaches upon the property since ancient times. With the development of modern society, it has some new behavioral characteristics. It is necessary to modify the larceny, in order to conform to the historical trend of the times, show the criminal law to protect citizens’ property, reflect the attitude of punishing the thieves. The revised will change its model for it provision the crime of burglary, theft with weapon and pickpocket as the basic crime of larceny. It will formed independent elements of larceny with the thief stealing a larger amount of money and repeating steal before. It will make a great difference for the revised larceny and the practice of the relevant law amendment. So it is necessary to make a profound interpretation of the three kinds of behavior of these new added kinds of behaviors. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part, the author will expatiate on the new burglary. First of all, through the analysis of the legal nature and subjective intention of burglary, this paper expounds the understanding, of "household", put forward to recognize the standard of the "household". The second part carries on the elaboration to the purpose of legislation and nature of behavior carrying weapons theft, make author understanding of “carrying weapons” and "weapon". The third part will analyze the reason of the original administrative violation pick- pocketing transform to criminal offence. It will focuses on the author’s own view about the behavior characteristics of the "public place". The author thinks that it will waste of judicial resources to put all the pickpockets into sin. So it should give the regulate definition of pickpockets. The fourth part, the author mainly discusses two problem after revision of larceny put into practice. And the author will proposed own view in the further analysis of the two problems in order to help to practice the judicial to some extent. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202102
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
杨春黎. 修正视野下盗窃罪之再审视[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2014.
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