兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleResearch on the Jurisdiction System of Criminal Appeal Case—in the Case of the Nie
Thesis Advisor拜荣静
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword刑事申诉 管辖 异地审查
Abstract随着十八大会议的召开、建设社会主义法治国家的进行、司法机关纠错查错工作的开展,一件件冤假错案逐渐浮现水面,一个个无辜者重新回归生活,一篇篇让人心酸的报道深深触动人心。呼格吉勒图案、黄家光案、陈满案等一批批冤假错案得以纠正使得让人满心欢喜的同时也不禁的对我们的司法审查工作产生了诸多疑问与思考。这其中无疑反映出我们在申诉审查、重新启动再审的过程中存在诸多问题。 刑事案件的申诉在司法机关查错纠错的过程中起着至关重要的作用。在这个有效查处冤假错案的运行机制中,处于第一环节的是针对申诉材料的审查系统,该系统首先接收申诉申请材料,然后对申诉申请进行仔细调查和系统评估,最后将符合法定条件的申诉送于下一环节,即案件的再审系统。申诉审查环节在冤假错案纠正系统中处于最关键的阶段,而在这一阶段中负责审查申诉案件的管辖机关则扮演着最核心的角色,因为首先它要面对数量庞大的已发生法律效力的案件;其次如果真的存在影响案件结果的问题其还面临着承认自己先前所犯错误的考验。本文首先通过对聂某某案的剖析,并着重从聂某某案的判决、申诉、审查等环节,以及与其交织在一起互相影响的王某某案入手,找出刑事申诉管辖方面所存在的问题。其次通过对申诉及其相关概念的法理阐述,进一步明确刑事申诉的重要作用及意义;最后通过对美国民间团体型、英国官方机构型、德国异地审查型的比较和借鉴学习,以及我国北宋时期的翻异别勘制度的研究,总结出国外先进而有效的刑事案件申诉管辖制度方面的经验。在完善我国现行的冤假错案纠正机制的基础上,有针对性地借鉴国外先进的制度和想法,从而保证我国发现错案的渠道顺畅及纠正错案的途径有效,并争取在我国建立一种有制度保证的规范、长效以及科学的刑事案件申诉管辖制度,使冤假错案的发现从偶然走向必然、使刑事申诉的进程从低效走向高效、使无辜当事人的申诉从困难走向容易。
Other AbstractWith the development of the eighteenth meeting held, and building a socialist country under the rule of law, judicial organs to correct the wrong, a pick a miscarriages of justice gradually surfaced, one after another innocent rejoin society, a connected a people feel sad story touched the hearts of the people. Correction of Hugejiletu, Huang Jiaguang, Chen Man such as a piece of injustice, make people happy at the same time also allows us to work the judicial review of our country produced a lot of questions and thinking. This reflects that we have a lot of problems in the process of the review and re launch of the retrial procedure. The appeal procedure of criminal cases is very important in the process of the judicial organs to correct the wrong cases. In the process of correcting the wrong case, the first part is the appeal review system, the system first to receive the complaint material, and then the material for careful investigation and systematic assessment. Finally will meet the statutory requirements of the complaint to the next link, that is, the retrial system, the review of the complaints critical in the process of correcting the wrong case, which is the core role of the agency responsible for the review of the complaint in this phase. Because the first it has to face a large number of cases. Secondly, if there is really a mistake he has to withstand the test of the live to admit their mistakes. This paper first analysis case of Nie , emphatically from the judgment, appeal, and other aspects of the review analysis, and Analysis on the case of Wang , revealed the problems exposed in the judicial process, Secondly, by elaborating the concept of appeal. the important meaning and function of the appeal procedure are highlighted. Finally by comparing the United States, Britain, Germany, summed up the foreign advanced appeal system, in order to help our country's appeal system, And bring some good methods to our country. On the basis of perfecting the appeal system of our country, studying the foreign advanced system and ideas, so that our country's appeal channel is smooth. And to establish a set of standardized and scientific appeal system in our country, the correct the unjust, false and wrong cases work smoothly, efficiently and easily.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
邓育阳. 刑事案件申诉的管辖制度研究—以聂某某案为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2016.
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