兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleXingjiang uygur region the judicial police to perform the functions of the people's court system research report
Thesis Advisor刘绍彬
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword司法警察 履行职能 存在的问题 工作建议
Abstract随着我国依法治国方略的全面推进,人民法院的作用和任务也越来越艰巨,司法警察作为人民法院一支具有武装性质的司法力量,通过行使职权,预防、制止和惩治妨碍审判活动的各类违法犯罪行为,维护审判秩序以及协助生效判决、裁定的执行。同时,各级法院的司法警察还肩负着保卫审判机关安全和保障审判工作顺利进行的工作任务,在人民法院工作中司法警察具有特殊的地位和作用。笔者以新疆法院系统为例,通过对新疆法院系统司法警察履行职能情况的调查,找出司法警察在队伍建设和履行职能方面存在的问题,并对存在的问题进行深层次的原因分析,找出制约司法警察发展的问题及症结,最后形成笔者观点,提出相应的建设性建议,为司法警察职业化建设和完善司法警察履行职能立法提供参考。 本文共分四个部分,第一部分是对新疆法院系统司法警察履行职能情况的调查,重点是队伍管理情况、人员结构、教育训练、装备配备及完成审判保障、处置突发事件、参与强制执行等方面的调查。第二部分阐述了新疆法院司法警察在队伍建设和履行职能方面存在的问题。管理不顺畅、人员结构不合理、教育训练不足、装备老化、执法动作不标准、执法依据不健全等是存在的主要问题。第三部分是对存在问题的原因分析。第四部分是提出加强司法警察工作的几点建议。加快司法警察职业化建设步伐、提高司法警察部门对下管理力度、完善司法警察履行职能立法。以现代文化为引领,以“司法为民”为宗旨,以现代司法警察理念为指导,进一步推进司法警察队伍和作风建设、执法规范化建设,“严把司法警察入口,拓宽司法警察出口”,加强司法警察专业化教育和培训,坚定不移走人民法院司法警察职业化建设道路,为人民法院以审判执行工作的顺利进行提供强有力的警务保障。
Other AbstractWith China's strategy of governing the country according to law the all-round, function and task of the people's court also more and more difficult, the judicial police as the people's court for a judicial with characteristics of armed force, by exercising their functions and powers, prevention, to prevent and punish hinder the process of all kinds of illegal and criminal behavior, maintaining the trial order and assist the implementation of effective judgment or written order. At the same time, the courts at all levels of the judicial police also shoulder the defend judicial judgment of safety and security work smoothly work tasks, work in the people's court in the judicial police have special status and role. The court system in xinjiang as an example, through to the xinjiang judicial police to perform the functions of the court system, find out the judicial police perform their functions in the team construction and problems, and the deep reason of the problems existing in the analysis, find out the problem and the problem restricting the development of the judicial police, and finally form the point of view, put forward constructive Suggestions, to the judicial police professional construction and perfect the judicial police provide reference to perform the functions of legislation. This article is divided into four parts, the first part is about the xinjiang judicial police to perform the functions of the court system, the key is team management, personnel structure, education training, equipment, and complete the trial support, disposal of emergency, to participate in the enforcement of investigation. The second part expounds the xinjiang court judicial police perform their functions in the team construction and problems. Management is not smooth, unreasonable personnel structure, lack of education and training, equipment aging, law enforcement action is not standard, incomplete law enforcement basis and so on are the main problems. The third part is the analysis on the cause of the problem. The fourth part is to put forward some Suggestions on strengthening the judicial police work. To speed up the pace of the judicial police professional construction, improve the judicial police departments to perform their functions under management, perfecting the judicial police legislation. With modern culture as the leading, with "justice for the people" for the purpose, guided by the concept of modern judicial police, further promote the judicial pol...
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
田忠顺. 新疆维吾尔自治区人民法院系统司法警察履职情况的调研报告[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2015.
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