| 小产权房的法律问题分析 |
Alternative Title | Legal Analysis on The House with Limited Property Right
| 赵胜辉 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 刘艺工
| 2010-05-10
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 小产权房
Abstract | 小产权房是指在农村集体土地上,由乡镇政府或村委会单独或联合开发商开发建设,并由乡镇政府或村委会制作房屋权属证书向城市居民销售的房屋。小产权具有权属的模糊性和权力的不完整性这两大法律特征。
小产权的存在时间已久,又涉及多方利益。它直接关系到我国三农问题,城乡统筹的科学发展,以及构建和谐社会等重大问题。科学的解决小产权房是具有高度战略意义的。 |
Other Abstract | The Hose with limited property right is the house built by country administration or village committee, or cooperated with developers. The purchaser of this kind of house would be only given the certificate made by country administration or village committee. So, this kind of house has two characteristics, ambiguous ownership and incomplete right.
Its special legal traits are contributed by many reasons. On the legal level, it’s mainly because of the bilateral land system in our nation. Meanwhile, setting with bilateral land system, our bilateral residential registration system is the other cause, which rivets farmers in land. Compared with people with city residence, rural people suffer many disadvantages. On the social level, with flying real estate price, people live in cities is unable to purchase a house with complete right. So the need have flowed to the house with limited property right. Real estate developer, face rising land investment, have press down their profit margin. With these difficulties, some developer began to invest in the houses with limited property right. One hand, farmers are happy for that their land gets more and more precious, but one other hand, they can enjoy the profits from their land, since only through the confiscatory process, can they realize the land value. But in this process, they can get little from government. Fighting for their right, farmers develop real estate before confiscation of government.
The existence of house with limited property right is illegal, but its reasonable. Thos why there are more and more this kind of houses emerges, even with repeated probation from government. Now, it already became an inevitable phenomenon. Its existence and development has good effect as breaking the monopoly of government on land supply market, and side effect as endangering our cultivable land which is a scarce resource in our nation.
According to the traits, causation, as well as its influence, we need to deal with it under right principles. Rising the compensation for farmers who would lost their land, make sure the interests of farmers can be guaranteed. Regulating on the confiscation process of government, make sure the land can be used for public interests. For the existed houses with limited property right, we cannot deny them all or accept them all. We have to categorize them and maximize their values. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202198
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
赵胜辉. 小产权房的法律问题分析[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2010.
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