| 先占取得制度研究 |
Alternative Title | Research on System of Preoccupation
| 郭东霞 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 胡珀
| 2012-05-09
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 先占取得
Abstract | 近代以来,大多数发达国家民法典均规定了无主物先占取得制度,并将其视为所有权原始取得的方式之一。先占取得制度是我国民事立法进程中颇受争议的制度,时定时废,可谓“命运多舛”,伴随着物权理论由物权归属向物权利用的发展,先占取得制度逐渐得到了学者的肯定,两部物权法学者建议稿中均有关于先占取得制度的详细规定。但是并未将其纳入立法的范畴,就其原因主要在于立法者对先占取得制度的价值和内容始终没有形成统一的认识,致使我国物权体系不完整和民法价值取向缺失。先占取得制度作为一种原始的财产取得方式,是动产所有权原始取得法律制度体系中不可或缺的。本文笔者利用比较分析、历史研究以及价值衡量的方法对先占取得制度进行了一番探究,主要围绕着先占取得制度的基本理论,先占取得制度在当代循环经济条件下的现实价值和其本身的制度价值以及先占取得制度在民法中的逻辑空间、效力以及我国设立先占取得制度的必要性和可能性诸方面展开论述,最后借鉴国外完善的先占取得立法实践,就我国设立先占取得制度提出了若干构想,主要从主体范围、客体范围以及构成要件诸方面加以阐释,并且列举了具体条文设计。 |
Other Abstract | Since modern times, most developed countries’civil code is advocated content provisions to pre-empt obtained, and to be as one of the original acquisition of the system of ownership. But the property law and a revision of the system will taken off, first made the system of bumpy history and there seems to be little cause for future was not accidental, personal property original acquisition system is a indispensable one China's current civil legislation is without the provisions. In this paper the author accountsfor first made ,and mainly expounds the basic theory of the system, its real value in contemporary cycle economy condition . Beside, the author disscusses its own system of value .Most important of all, this paper accounts for preoccupation which is in the civil law system of logic of space,its effectiveness and makes clear that china sets up the necessity and possibility of system of preoccupation. Lastly this uses the experience of other countries for reference to put forward several ideas of setting up china’s system of preoccution , mainly from the main area, object scope and constituents to interpretation and so on ,listing the specific provisions design. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202222
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
郭东霞. 先占取得制度研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2012.
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