兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleThe Definition Problem of Previous Act
Thesis Advisor陈航
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword先行行为 界定 范围 因果关系
Abstract在不作为犯罪的理论研究过程中,作为义务的来源是论证不作为原因力以及犯罪性的关键所在,是不作为构成的核心要素,反映了不作为犯罪的基本犯罪事实和构成要素,是决定不作为是否成立,以及属于何种性质犯罪的主要依据。我国刑法中将不作为犯罪中的作为义务来源分为以下四类:一是法律规定,二是职务或者业务要求,三是法律行为,四是先行行为。其中,关于先行行为引起作为义务的界定问题一直以来存在着各种争议。 先行行为自德国学者斯鸠贝尔首倡以来,随着历史的推演,其本身也在不断自我否定中得以完善,在一个多世纪的发展中,其作为保证人类型之一,得到世界上多数学者的赞同和司法判例的支持,它和法律规定,契约约定并列为历史最悠久的三大保证人类型。“因自身之行为致发生一定程度之危险者,负防止其发生之义务”,这是先行行为作为义务产生最原始的法理基础,源于人们最原始而直觉的正义情感。在现今刑法学界,对于先行行为的争议主要集中在对先行行为理论定位,适用范围以及其产生的救助义务的履行等方面。
Other AbstractOver the course of the negative crime study, the source of the duty to act fairly is the key to prove the Causative potency and criminality of the negative crime, as to say, it is the core elements in the formative conditions of the negative crime. In a manner of speaking, it reflect the basic criminal facts and constitute elements of the negative crime, decided whether the crime is established and which criminal character it belongs to. In Chinese criminal law, the source of the legal duty divided into four categories as follows: settled in law, demanded by vocation, legal act and caused by previous act. Among them, about the definition of the previous act has always been a controversial topic in a long time. Once the previous act initiated by the German scholars Stübel, it is improving by itself constantly with the development of history, in more than a century ′s development, as a type of the guarantor, it has been acknowledged and supported by most scholars and judicial precedents. So, that is to say, the previous act, as well as the legal and contract, is one of the oldest type of the guarantor. “Who ′s behavior caused dangerous, it is his responsibility to prevent danger happening”, this is the original legal basis of the previous act, keeping with the most primitive and direct justice emotion from people.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
高欣. 先行行为的界定问题研究—以“钱某被追致死”等案为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2013.
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