兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleDiscussion on Some Legal Issues of Property Management——LiLigang and Others Sued GuoXin Property Management Company as Case
Thesis Advisor贾登勋
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword物业管理 前期物业管理合同 物业管理法律制度 业主权利
Abstract随着我国房地产业的繁荣,物业管理服务业也因而蓬勃发展。物业管理已经成为一个独立的行业,并由房管时代走向了物业服务公司管理时代,而今正在迈向业主自治管理的时代。但是,由于目前我国物业管理制度尚不规范、各项制度还不健全等原因,导致物业管理各类纠纷不断涌现,不但带来了社会问题,而且阻碍我国物业管理的发展,影响社会的稳定和谐。因此,物业管理纠纷必须得到有效的化解。但是,我国物业管理法律体系还不完善,相关法律制度还存在缺陷,要解决物业管理活动中出现的法律问题还面临诸多困难,审判实践中也遇到许多问题。通过分析物业管理纠纷的案例,有针对性地研究探讨物业管理中存在的法律问题,进而提出相应的对策,对解决我国物业管理纠纷问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。 本文共分为三个部分,第一部分阐述了物业管理纠纷案例,界定了案件的性质,明确了案件引出的争议焦点问题,即未经招投标前期物业合同是否有效、业主能否以物业服务瑕疵抗辩、业主能否以物业公司不公开广告牌等租金收益抗辩、物业公司应以何种标准收费;第二部分主要对案例引出的上述法律问题分别进行详细分析探讨,指出物业管理立法中存在一些缺陷、物业管理制度有不规范之处、业主权利救济与保护制度还不健全等问题;第三部分结合对问题的分析,分别就物业管理若干法律问题提出了完善物业管理相关立法、规范物业管理制度、建立健全业主权利救济与保护制度等解决的对策,以及应用非诉多元化途径解决物业管理纠纷的建议。
Other AbstractAs Chinese real estate boom, property management service is becoming flourishing. Property management has become an independent industry from housing management time to the era of property corporate services, and now is moving toward the era of property autonomous management by owners. However, due to the current system of property management is not standardized, and the system not perfect and other reasons, resulting in kinds of disputes of property management continue to emerge, which not only bring social problems, but also hinder the development of property management and affect social stability and harmony. Therefore, the property management disputes must be resolved effectively. However, our legal system of property management is not perfect and has some defects, and in the process to resolve emerging legal issues of property management activities still facing many difficulties, and encountering many problems in the practice of trial. Through analyzing the case of property management disputes, targeted studying the legal issues of property management, then propose appropriate measures to resolve the issues of property management disputes, which will has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper is divided into three parts, the first part described the case of property management disputes, defined the nature of the case, found the focus of the case, which is including the previous property contract is or not valid without pre-bidding , can the property owners defense by reason of property services' defects, can the property owners defense by property management company refuse to open the property rental yields of billboards and other public parts of property, the property management company should charge by what standards. The second part mainly analyzed and discussed the legal issues of the case raised in detail, and indicated some shortcomings in property management legislation, property management system not standardized, and the system of property owners' rights on relief and protection not perfect. The third part mainly proposed strategies to resolve property management legal issues. The strategies mainly include improving the property management related legislation, standardizing property management systems, establishing and improving the system of property owners' rights on relief and protection, and the recommendation of using non-litigation diverse ways to resolve the dispute of property management.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
吕培进. 物业管理若干法律问题探讨——以李立刚等诉国信物业公司为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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