| 我国刑事追诉时效法律适用研究—以陈启深诉陈桂玲拐卖妇女儿童案为例 |
Alternative Title | A Study on the Application of Limitation of Prosecution of Criminal Law of China ——Taking Chen Qishen Brought an Accusation of Trafficking in Women and Children against Chen Guiling as an Example
| 李晓元 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 马明贤
| 2011-05-12
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 拐卖妇女儿童罪
Abstract | 追诉时效是指享有追诉权的国家专门机关对犯罪人依法行使追诉权,追究其刑事责任的有效期限。在此期限内,该机关有权追究犯罪人的刑事责任。超过此期限,意味着求刑权,量刑权与行刑权三项权利的不能行使,从而导致刑罚的消灭。对于一个刑事案件是否符合立案条件,我国刑事诉讼法有明确规定:一是有犯罪事实,称为事实条件;二是需要追究刑事责任,称为法律条件。由此可知,只要一个犯罪行为客观上存在犯罪事实,并且需要追究犯罪人的刑事责任,那么侦查机关就该立案侦查。但在司法实践中,许多案件即符合立案的事实条件,也符合立案的法律条件,可仍然被侦查机关拒之门外,为什么?本文以陈启深诉陈桂玲拐卖妇女儿童案为例,从法律的角度分析案例背后的深层原因。文章第一部分引出本案争议的焦点;本案是否过了追诉期限;对本案应否立案?文章第二部分先对本案争议焦点逐一展开法律分析,然后得出结论,最后进行法律评价。文章第三部分谈到由本案引发的一个问题并给出适当的建议。通过本案例的分析,作者希期指出本案中侦查机关不予立案决定之错误和现存立法之不足,以求换来今后司法部门用法之正确和立法部门立法之日臻完善! |
Other Abstract | Prosecution limitation here refers to the period of validity in which national specialized organs that have the power of prosecuting offenders exercise prosecution power on the criminals according to the law and investigate their criminal responsibilities. The organs have the power to investigate criminal responsibilities of the criminals in this period and, otherwise, have no power of investigation out of it. That means they can not perform the power for punishment, sentencing execution of the criminal and thus lead to the eradication of penalty on the criminal. China's criminal law has provided the two conditions of registering: first, facts of crime, called facts condition; second, need to be investigated for criminal responsibility, namely law condition. From these conditions we can make a firmly conclusion that if a criminal conduction exist and it is necessary to investigate its criminal responsibility, there is no doubt that criminals should be placed on a file for investigation. However, in the judicial practice, many cases was turn down by investigation organ, which meet the fact condition as well as the law condition, though. Why?
Here this case was taken as an Example to show the problems lying behind the case ,wishing to point out the wrongness of the non-filed decision made by the local police and the shortness of the now-existing legislation to bring in the rightness of using of the law and the perfectness of law in the future legislation. The first part of this article bring in the controversies of this case——whether this case is beyond the limitation of prosecution and meet the demand of filing. The second part of the article do analysis of each controversy of this case one by one and then draw a conclusion to the controversities and last make a criticism on the decision made by the local police. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202325
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
李晓元. 我国刑事追诉时效法律适用研究—以陈启深诉陈桂玲拐卖妇女儿童案为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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