兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleResearch on the Legal Supervision Issues of Microfinance in China
Thesis Advisor刘光华
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword小额信贷 金融创新 法律监管
Abstract小额信贷在几十年的发展实践中所体现出来的重要作用正逐步被各国政府以及业界所认同。但由于社会对小额信贷的认识还存在一些误区,特别是各国政府在发展小额信贷的过程中由于对小额信贷所涵盖的范围和小额信贷的特点认识不清,从而导致监管制度不到位,影响到了小额信贷的健康发展。本文首先对小额信贷的定义和范畴进行了科学的界定并分析了在我国发展小额信贷的重要意义。本文借鉴了其它国家在发展小额信贷中比较成功的典型模式,如格莱珉模式和印尼模式,并研究了其法律监管的主要特色。 在文章的后半部分主要是对小额信贷法律监管涉及的相关问题进行了探讨。首先提炼并总结了国际上小额信贷法律监管的成功经验,然后对我国小额信贷法律监管的现状进行了分析,最后提出建立适应我国国情的小额信贷法律监管制度的建议。 本文主要采取了比较研究方法,主要创新之处在于:把我国当前存在的各类小额信贷分为非营利性小额信贷和商业性小额信贷两个大类,针对我国这两类小额信贷发展的实际情况提出了建立整体法律监管框架的思路,同时还提出了与之对应的我国法律监管的基本原则。最后,还对需要进一步完善的各项法律监管的具体规定提出了建议。
Other AbstractMicrofinance practicing in the several decades of development played in the important role is gradually being recognized by governments and the market. However, due to society's understanding of microfinance, there are some errors, The governments, particularly don’t get clear ideas in the development of microfinance during the processing, and the misunderstanding of the scope of microfinance and characteristics, that results in which the structure of supervision is not suitable. That affected the healthy of development of microfinance. Firstly, analyzes the significance of the development of microfinance in China. Then introduce the definition of the microfinance and the scope. This paper introduces the typical patterns of more successful microfinance in the other countries, such as the Grameen model and Indonesia model, to make us to study the legal supervision of its main features. The second half of the article is mainly discussed the legal supervision of the microfinance and related issues. First, refines and summarized the international success experience of legal supervision of the microfinance, then analyzes the legal regulation of the status of it. Finally, suggests establishing the suitable legal supervision of China's microfinance. This paper uses the comparative research method, Main innovations are: This paper divides the types exist in China into two parts, non-profit microfinance and commercial microfinance. Through this two kind of microfinance, that suggests we can establish our own supervision framework, also proposed that corresponding basic principles of legal supervision. Finally, on the need, this paper gets some suggestions for the further improvement of the legal supervisions.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
张青. 我国小额信贷法律监管问题研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2011.
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