| 我国西北内陆河流域水资源配置法律问题探析——以石羊河流域为例 |
Alternative Title | The Analysis of The Legal Matter in Distributing Water Resource in Northwestern China——Take The Case of Shiyang River Valley
| 许栋梁 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 贾登勋
| 2009-05-20
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 西北内陆河流域
Abstract | 水资源配置的目的是为了协调水资源各项服务功能之间的关系。我国西北地区内陆河流域水资源配置有其自身的复杂性和特殊性。第一,西北内陆河流域水资源较为匮乏,地表径流量较小,流域内降水量少,且蒸发量普遍大于降水量;第二,西北内陆河流季节性明显,枯水期断流现象较多;第三,这些流域经济结构多以农业为主,且生产方式较为粗放,极易造成水资源滥采滥用。第四,这些地区绝大多数地区经济比较落后。上述特点决定了西北内陆河流域很难使水资源在各行业、各地区之间实现合理分配,加之水资源配置制度的缺位,西北内陆河流域在过去的很长时间对水资源实施着掠夺式地开发利用,使得这些流域不同程度地呈现出水资源配置的失衡状态,中上游争抢下游用水,工业用水争抢农业用水、农业用水挤占生态用水等现象十分严重,最终导致一些地区生态恶化。在自然和历史因素的双重作用下,西北内陆河流域的水资源配置成了一个非常棘手的问题。要达到水资源的合理、优化配置需要从成立统一的流域管理机构、增加流域水资源可利用量、减少人口数量,缩小产业规模以及提高水资源使用效率、减少水资源使用量等几个方面进行综合治理,但在这个过程中又存在着许多机制性问题,某种程度上阻碍了综合治理的顺利实施。必须在此基础上进一步明确内陆河流域水资源配置的原则,并建立配套机制,从而更有效地改变内陆河流域水资源配置的不合理现状,建立起有条不紊的水资源利用秩序。 |
Other Abstract | The purpose of water resource distributing is to coordinate the relations among every water resource’s functions.Water resource distribution in continental river valley of northwestern China has its own complexities and particularities. The first ,the gross water resource of overland runoff and rainfall is very little, moreover, evaporation always exceeds rainfall. Secondly,continental river has obvious season character,it offen drys up in dry season.thirdly,in the economic structer of this areas,the agriculture proportion is very high.Because of extensive cultivation,the water resource is likely to be wasted easily.At last, the most areas in continental river valley are backward in economic.These characters bring on that it’s hard to distribute water resource of continental river valley rationally in every regions and parts. In addition of being short of legal institutions, the water resource has been utilized excessively for long time, the continental river valley in our country come into being some aftereffects such as ecosystem depravation and imbalance in water resource distribution.The up and middle reachs of the river and lower reachs had fought over the water resource fight over freguently,and it had been same between industry and agriculture,agriculture and ecological environment.Been affecting in natural and artificial reason,the water resource distribution in continental river valley become to a very hard work. So we must establish a rational system of water resource distribution to make certain the principle, legal subject and its rights and obligations.In the meantime,we should establish some correlational regulations to change the irrationality at present.So and so only,we could utilize water resource in an orderly way. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202353
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
许栋梁. 我国西北内陆河流域水资源配置法律问题探析——以石羊河流域为例[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2009.
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