兰州大学机构库 >法学院
Alternative TitleA Study on the Admission Rule in Chinese Civil Procedure
Thesis Advisor汪振江
Degree Grantor兰州大学
Place of Conferral兰州
Degree Name硕士
Keyword民事诉讼 自认规则 证据 举证责任
Abstract正义是司法程序的目的,而证据法则是为达到这一目的而必须的制度化手段之一。民事诉讼自认规则作为证据法则中的重要部分,在证据法立法已经被立法机关提上议事日程的情况下,民事诉讼自认规则将受到学术界更多的关注。 民事诉讼中的自认指一方当事人对对方当事人在民事诉讼中主张的事实所作的陈述,特别是不利于己的事实陈述,以言词或行动承认其真实的意思表示,从而该事实主张者的举证负担转由承认者承受的一种证据法制度。本文首先从民事诉讼自认规则的法律内涵、主要分类、证据属性、构成要件及其效力入手,对自认规则的一般理论作了较为深入细致的探讨。第二部分通过论述两大法系中自认规则的理论成果和司法实践经验,比较得出两大法系就自认规则在理论上的差异,及他们各自在立法上的技术处理。第三部分介绍了我国民事诉讼自认规则的发展进程:我国现行《民事诉讼法》实质上否认了自认规则,而其后的司法解释却间接确认了自认规则,尤其是《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》中的第八条较为具体的规定了自认规则。本文第四部分通过对我国自认规则理论研究现状的介绍,指出应大胆引进国外科学的自认证据制度和理论,尽快确立合乎我国国情的自认证据证明模式来充实我国自认制度理论研究;通过分析现行民事诉讼自认制度的不足,指出现行民事诉讼自认制度存在体例有矛盾,内容不明确和立法有遗漏等问题,进一步提出完善我国民事诉讼自认规则的具体措施,即:从立法层面、立法解释层面、司法解释层面、法律发现层面完善我国民事诉讼自认制度的立法。
Other AbstractAdmission in civil procedures means a sort of system of evidence rules. It is a voluntary acknowledgment of the existence of adverse facts relevant to a case, and it is usually an agreement of one party in a form of words or actions, and the burden of proof thus shifts from the proponent of the issue to the party. This thesis begins with a comparatively detailed discussion on the legal connotation, main classifications, characteristic of evidences, constitutive elements and its effects of the admission rule in civil procedures. The second part of the thesis is about an introduction of academic achievements and judicial practical experience of admission rules in both legal systems and differences in theory between them and their respective technique processes on legislations are analyzed as well. The third part gives an analysis of the evolution process of Chinese admission rule in civil procedure. The admission rule is essentially denied by current Civil Procedure Law in China. Nevertheless, the judicial interpretations afterwards confirmed the admission rule indirectly, which is particularly revealed in the Article VIII of the Several Stipulations on Evidences in Civil Procedures. The fourth part of the thesis is about an introduction of the current studies on the admission rule in China. The paper advances that the system and theory of scientific admission rule from countries abroad should be introduced to enrich the academic studies on admission rule in China, thus to build a mode of proof of admission rule with Chinese characteristics soon. The paper also points out that the current systems of admission rules contradict with each other and one lack of a clear and definite content through an analysis on the drawbacks of current admission rules in civil procedures. The paper further points out some specific measures from perspectives of legislation, legislative interpretations, judicial interpretations, and founding of law etc. to consummate our country’s admission rules in civil procedures.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
朱蕾. 我国民事诉讼自认规则研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2002.
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