| 我国流浪动物的法律保护研究 |
Alternative Title | The Study on the Legal Protection of the Stray Animals
| 李亚婷 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 李忆春
| 2016-05-21
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 流浪动物
Abstract | 随着社会的发展和生活节奏的加快,人与人之间的交流越来越少,宠物走进了千家万户,给人们带来欢乐。但随着虐猫、火烧流浪狗等事件的发生,使得流浪动物保护引起了人们的广泛关注。我国于1998年颁布了《野生动物保护法》,法律明确了野生动物和实验动物的法律地位,但是以上两部法律都没有涉及流浪动物保护的问题。随着社会对流浪动物关注度的攀升和流浪动物数量的不断增多,我国首部《中华人民共和国动物保护法(专家建议稿)》于2009年9月开始面向大众公开征集意见,但是时至今日这部草案仍在酝酿之中。所以我国还未有专门的立法和确定的制度对流浪动物进行保护。从专家意见稿公开征集意见至今已有近七年时间,同时还有一些流浪动物伤人事件。因此加强对流浪动物的保护和治理已经十分必要。
本文在阐述了中外动物保护基础理论的前提下,重点是对兰州市及兰州大学流浪动物进行观察研究,观察当前流浪动物的生存、保护和管理现状,通过实地调查和发放问卷的方式进一步获取信息资源,分析当前兰州市流浪动物保护存在的问题。以兰州市为例进而对我国流浪动物的现状进行分析,在对各地流浪动物保护现状分析评价的基础上,结合国外的先进经验,提出在管理体制、立法体系等方面完善我国流浪动物保护的意见和建议。构建符合我国国情的流浪动物保护机制,促进生态平衡和人与动物的和谐相处。 |
Other Abstract | With the development of te society ,Communication between person and person becomes less and less and pets go into many family .The pets bring a lot of joy for people.Now people pay more and more attention to the stray animals because of misusing animals.The government published the“Laboratory Animal Regulations”and the“Wild Animal Protection Law”.The two laws cleared the legal status of the experimental animals and the wild animals.But,the two laws did nothing for stray animals ,1998.With the increase in the number of the stray animals,the government released the first draft about the animal protection act.The draft started to get suggestions in the public,2009,9.From now on the government does not draw up a special law about the protection of the stray animals.There are six years from the releasing the draft.During this time Incidents of cruelty to animals become more and more.So,it is very urgent to strengthen the protection of stray animals.
This paper describes the premise of basic theories of Chinese and foreign animal protection, with an emphasis on the Lanzhou University, Lanzhou stray animals and observational studies, observe the survival, protection and management of the current situation of stray animals, obtained through further field surveys and questionnaires manner information resources, analysis of current problems in Lanzhou stray animal protection exist. The paper analyzed the current situation of the stray animals in Lanzhou city. On the basis of the analysis and evaluation for the protection on the stray animals,combination of advanced foreign experience,we put forward a series of advice in the management system and the legislative system to perfect the protection system of the tray animals.Finally this paper hope to construct stray animals protection mechanism in line with China''''s national conditions and promote ecological balance and harmony between man and animal. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202462
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
李亚婷. 我国流浪动物的法律保护研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2016.
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