| 我国量刑程序规范化问题研究 |
Alternative Title | Research on the Sentencing Procedures Standardization in China
| 周佳 |
Subtype | 硕士
Thesis Advisor | 陈航
| 2012-05-09
Degree Grantor | 兰州大学
Place of Conferral | 兰州
Degree Name | 硕士
Keyword | 量刑程序
Abstract | 量刑程序就是在刑事诉讼活动中,以确定被告人有罪为前提,以量刑为核心内容,由法官来确定被告人刑罚轻重的一种相对独立的程序。英美法系国家独立的量刑程序,不仅为控、辩双方就量刑问题进行公开对抗提供了一个平台,也限制了法官的自由裁量权,使法官在全面了解案件事实的基础上做出公平、公正的裁决。大陆法系国家则没有单独的量刑程序,将量刑程序和定罪程序混合为一,在庭审中一并解决被告人的定罪问题和量刑问题。我国深受大陆法系的影响目前的刑事诉讼法以确定被告人是否有罪为核心内容,将量刑程序作为一个附庸用只言片语进行说明,待被告人确定有罪后,法官便在封闭的环境里自由裁量做出量刑裁决。没有独立量刑程序的保障,法院的量刑便犹如法官处理自己家务事一样在不透明的环境中作出,无法体现出司法的公正、公开。本文拟从量刑程序的界定入手,结合现阶段我国量刑程序的探索实践,并对两大法系国家的量刑程序进行比较找出值得我国借鉴之处,进而提出我国量刑程序规范化改革的具体构想。 |
Other Abstract | The sentencing process is a relatively stand-alone program in the activities of criminal proceedings,which premise is to determine the guilt of the accused, the core content is the sentencing and a judge to determine the penalty severity. the separate sentencing procedures of Common law not only provide a platform for prosecution and defense on sentencing issues to the open confrontation, but also limit the discretion of the judge's, so that judges can make fair and impartial verdict based on a comprehensive understanding of the facts of the case. There is no separate sentencing procedure in Civil law countries. They mix the sentencing procedures and conviction procedures. The defendant's conviction and sentencing issues will be resolved in the same trial. China is deeply affected by the Civil law; the core content of the Code of Criminal Procedure is whether the defendant has guilty. The sentencing procedures are described very briefly. |
URL | 查看原文
Language | 中文
Document Type | 学位论文
Identifier | https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/202465
Collection | 法学院
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 |
周佳. 我国量刑程序规范化问题研究[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2012.
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