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基于FAREAST模型的青海云杉中-幼龄林生物量碳沿海拔梯度分布特征 期刊论文
干旱区地理, 2020, 卷号: 43, 期号: 05, 页码: 1316-1326
Authors:  王清涛;  赵传燕;  王小平;  胡姗姗;  刘美艳;  史文宇;  王晓雨;  单文荣
Favorite  |    Submit date:2023/11/22
祁连山区  青海云杉幼苗幼树  FAREAST模型  生物量碳  海拔分布特征  
黄土高原半干旱草地生长季干湿时段环境因子对陆面水、热交换的影响 期刊论文
中国科学:地球科学, 2015, 卷号: 45, 期号: 8, 页码: 1229-1242
Authors:  岳平;  张强;  赵文;  王润元;  张良;  王文玉;  史晋森;  郝小翠
Favorite  |    Submit date:2017/03/31
黄土高原  主要干湿时段  环境因子  陆面水热交换  
LAS在西北半干旱地区的观测分析 期刊论文
中国沙漠, 2011, 期号: 2, 页码: 525-528
Authors:  黄山;  张文煜;  左洪超;  刘欣;  史永义
Favorite  |    Submit date:2016/07/18
显热通量  LAS  涡动相关仪  半干旱地区  
东部沿海城市与西部半干旱地区近地层臭氧浓度观测研究 期刊论文
环境污染与防治, 2012, 期号: 10, 页码: 45-50
Authors:  黄鹤;  张文煜;  韩素芹;  韩婷婷;  姚青;  史晋森
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天津站  SACOL  臭氧  NOX  变化  相关关系  
应用身柱、神道、筋缩三穴治疗疑难病症 期刊论文
成都中医学院学报, 1993, 期号: 3, 页码: 28-30
Authors:  刘世琼;  骆文郁;  孙振仙;  康天瑞
Favorite  |    Submit date:2016/09/09
身柱  神道  筋缩  针灸治疗学  
The Stove, Dome, and Umbrella Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol on the Development of the Planetary Boundary Layer in Hazy Regions 会议论文
Geophysical Research Letters
Authors:  Ma, Yongjing;  Ye, Jianhuai;  Xin, Jinyuan;  Zhang, WY(张文煜);  Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Jordi;  Wang, SG(王式功);  Zhao, Dandan;  Dai, Lindong;  Ma, Yongxiang;  Wu, Xiaoyan...Ma, Yongjing;  Ye, Jianhuai;  Xin, Jinyuan;  Zhang, WY(张文煜);  Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Jordi;  Wang, SG(王式功);  Zhao, Dandan;  Dai, Lindong;  Ma, Yongxiang;  Wu, Xiaoyan;  Xia, Xiangao;  Tang, Guiqian;  Wang, Yuesi;  Shen, Pengke;  Lei, Yali;  Martin, Scot T.
Favorite  |    Submit date:2020/12/17
Air quality  Atmospheric boundary layer  Atmospheric thermodynamics  Domes  Large eddy simulation  Optical propertiesAbsorption and scatterings  Aerosol optical property  In-situ observations  North China Plain  Planetary boundary layers  Residual layers  
The Stove, Dome, and Umbrella Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol on the Development of the Planetary Boundary Layer in Hazy Regions 期刊论文
Authors:  Ma, Yongjing;  Ye, Jianhuai;  Xin, Jinyuan;  Zhang, WY(张文煜);  de Arellano, Jordi Vila-Guerau;  Wang, SG(王式功);  Zhao, Dandan;  Dai, Lindong;  Ma, Yongxiang;  Wu, Xiaoyan...Ma, Yongjing;  Ye, Jianhuai;  Xin, Jinyuan;  Zhang, WY(张文煜);  de Arellano, Jordi Vila-Guerau;  Wang, SG(王式功);  Zhao, Dandan;  Dai, Lindong;  Ma, Yongxiang;  Wu, Xiaoyan;  Xia, Xiangao;  Tang, Guiqian;  Wang, Yuesi;  Shen, Pengke;  Lei, Yali;  Martin, Scot T.
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基于BP神经网络的风速观测资料序列订正模型 期刊论文
兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 卷号: 49, 期号: 3, 页码: 337-339+346
Authors:  李世萍;  孔令彬;  肖玮;  田梦;  张文煜
Favorite  |    Submit date:2016/07/27
BP神经网络  风速观测资料  均一性  订正模型  
Alteration in Plant-Based Subsistence and Its Influencing Factors from Late Neolithic to Historical Periods in Hexi Corridor, Northwestern China: Archaeobotanical Evidence 期刊论文
LAND, 2024, 卷号: 13, 期号: 4
Authors:  Wei, Wenyu;  Shi, Zhilin;  Lu, Yongxiu;  Du, Linyao;  Zhang, Junmin;  Zheng, Guomu;  Ma, MM(马敏敏)
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archaeobotany  zooarchaeology  plant-based subsistence  Hexi Corridor  Han Dynasty  late prehistoric  historical period  
Influence of environmental factors on land-surface water and heat exchange during dry and wet periods in the growing season of semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau 期刊论文
Science China-Earth Sciences, 2015, 卷号: 58, 期号: 11, 页码: 2002-2014
Authors:  Yue Ping;  Zhang Qiang;  Zhao Wen;  Wang RunYuan;  Zhang Liang;  Wang WenYu;  Shi, JS(史晋森);  Hao XiaoCui
Favorite  |    Submit date:2017/01/16
Loess Plateau  dry and wet periods  environmental factors  land-surface water and heat exchange